Aceh Tsunami Museum is a museum to remember the tsunami back pristiwa overwrite Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on 26 December 2008 the victim ingest approximately 240,000 people.

Aceh Tsunami Museum building was built on the initiative of several organizations that trap committee. Including Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias as the building budget, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DESDM) as the budget planning, study the content of the museum collection and provision of guidelines and management of the museum), the Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) as the provider and manager of the museum, the Municipality of Banda Aceh as a provider of facilities and infrastructure of the museum environment and Architects Association of Indonesia (IAI) NAD branch that help organize pre contest plan museums.
According to Eddy Purwanto as planner Museum of BRR Aceh Tsunami Aceh, the Museum was built with 3 reasons:
1. for remembering the victims of Tsunami disaster
2. As a center of education for young people about safety
3. As evacuation center, if the tsunami comes again
Museum planning detail, the tsunami monument and the site will start in August 2006 and development will be built over the land, approximately 10,000 square located in the capital city of Aceh province Nanggroes namely Kotamadaya Banda Aceh with the budget funds of US $ 14.000.000 ( kurs $ 1=Rp 10.000 ) with the details of US $ 7.000.000 from the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) for the building and half from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for its content also contains many objects remaining residual tsunami.
Before the committee began holding competitions design museum with Thema "Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Tsunami Museum (NAD-TM)," race closed on 5 August 2007 Total prize ber US $ 27.500, with details of the winner I get US $ 10.000 to US $ 7.500 II , III to US $ 5.000 and the remaining US $ 5.000 will be distributed as awards to the participation of innovative design 5 @ US $ 1.000.

( From left to right: ADPirous, Kamal A. Arif Abdullah and Teuku Sanny)
As the quotation from my brother, Johny Hartanta Sembiring, who is a Member Team of the Information field after a meeting held in the House Prof.Drs. Abdul Djalil Pirous which is the Teacher of Visual Arts with ITB Dr.Ir. Kamal A. Arif, M. Eng, which is expert and History Museum and DR.Eng.Ir. Sanny Teuku Abdullah, who is a M. Sc Geology and seismic experts at the ITB region Bukit Dago East specialist, Bandung On Wednesday, 10 October 2007 at 16:00 WIB dimlai until night closed with a dinner together with the theme of Research Material Content / Materials Tsunami Museum in Aceh.
Aceh Tsunami Museum will be built in the city of Banda Aceh, about 1 km from the Great Mosque in Banda Aceh, The function of Aceh Tsunami Museum are:
1. As a historical object, where the museum will be a tsunami research centers and learning about the tsunami disaster.
2. As a symbol of the strength of the people of Aceh in the tsunami disaster.
3. As a legacy to future generations in Aceh in the form of messages that have occurred in the tsunami region.
4. To remind earthquake hazards and tsunami that threaten the region of Indonesia. This is because Indonesia is located in the "fire ring" Pacific volcanic belt, and the path that encircle the Pacific Basin. Region is a local ring of fire that often by the earthquake could trigger a tsunami.
Computer animation following the Tsunami Museum in Aceh which will be built with the concept and design Rumoh Aceh as escape hill masterpiece Muhammad Ridwan Kamil, which then become Aceh Tsunami Museum
Note: Copyright in the Muhammad Ridwan Kamil, Muhammad Akbar Yuliansyah, AA Putra Munchana, Asep Budiman
Exterior Design Museum

Building a traditional house of the people of Aceh, in the form of building houses in Aceh analogy taken as the basic building mass. With the concept of houses, buildings can also function as a garden escape a hill-shaped hill that can be used as one of the anticipated location of rescue in case of a flood and tsunami disaster in the future.

Then there is also the hill of light, in addition to the garden filled with hundreds of evacuation of the pillar, the visitors can put bouquet, a kind of personal space and also have space in the memorial hill underground exhibition space and equipped.

Design is also loaded with local content. Saman dance as a reflection Hablumminannas (the concept of inter-human relations in Islam) into the distillation system fasade building.

The exterior appearance of the extraordinary cultural diversity of Aceh through the decorative jewelry element of transparency elements outside the building skin.
Interior Design Museum

In the picture above to design a narrow alley and ghostly. Through the alley that we can see the waterfall on the left and right that give voice thundering water. Lane is to remind the visitors on the atmosphere of the tsunami, said Kamal A Arief.

The light of God, space a cylinder-shaped wells that shine a light over the hole arab any posts with "Allah" and the well wall of the cylinder filled with the name of the dead time tsunami.Very contain religious values is a reflection of Hablumminallah (the concept of human relationships and God).

In the urban context, the building is designed to function also as a garden city. Open land as a result of the building was designed to be able to balance the human scale and building.

Views interior of enchantment with a set of Sorrow tunnel that lead visitors to a formidable natural contemplation on the people of Aceh suffered at once submission and recognition on the strength and power of God in the things.
Rumoh Aceh as Escape Hill design M.Ridwan Kamil eventually won the contest design competition Aceh Tsunami Museum after the 68 designs that meet all the requirements that the committee has been set of a total of 153 works that go as I quoted from DetikNet dan Melayu Online. Announcement issued by the committee on Friday (17/08/2007) in the space of Sultan Selim II, Community Center Aceh, Banda Aceh. Winner of first prize entitled to reach US $ 10.000, of a total of US $ 27.500 prize.
"We choose Rumoh Aceh as escape hill the winner because he meets almost all criteria from the jury. Not only a building monuments, but also a museum of monumental tsunami. Ridwan In that illustrate the design of natural disaster in a building that the incident tsunami 26 December 2004 "said one jury Kamal A.Arief journalist after the announcement.
"Design is in the image of M Ridwan Kamil show on the first floor of the museum is open space such as a traditional home Aceh.Picture meant that the open space that can be used as public space and in case of flood or tsunami, the water rate that will not come ter hinder, "said Mirza Kumala.
Location Aceh Tsunami Museum located in the capital city of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-Indonesia, namely in the cities of Banda Aceh,Sultan Iskandarmuda street corner near the clock, across the field Blang Padang.di where the former office next to the Animal Husbandry Aceh netherlands cemetery grave (Kerkhoff).

I take this picture of posted by relatives Iradis
I take this picture of posted by relatives Iradis
On 23 February 2008 the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Aceh to inaugurate Aceh Tsunami Museum Blang Padang field in Banda Aceh now and sign to inaugurate 12 development projects and rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), which has been completed done by the Agency for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias, the Department of Public Works, Provincial Government of Aceh, Banda Aceh City Government and its partner institutions.
1. Park International inscription "Aceh Thanks the World"
2. Port of Ulee Lheue crossing
3. Politeknik Aceh
4. Dam Keuliling
5. Motor boats crossing (KMP) BRR
6. Krueng Keureuto bridge in North Aceh
7. Cunda bridge in Lhokseumawe
8. Provision of Water Supply System (SPAM) Aceh Tenggara
9. SPAM Aceh Selatan
10.Passengers Terminal "Type A" Banda Aceh
11. Station Perum Damri along with 28 bus Damri
12.National SAR Agency(Basarnas) office in Aceh.
The receipt of assets worth Rp 89 billion from the Head of BRR Aceh-Nias Kuntoro Mangkusubroto to the Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf As Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Saturday (21 / 2) afternoon in the office of Governor of Aceh. Assets that it submitted a building and the Tsunami Research Center disaster worth US $ 1.100.000, "Aceh Tsunami Museum" (US $ 6.600.000), building batik (US $ 200.000), and the Center for Education and Training (US $ 900.000).
The receipt in the Head of the BRR, Tsunami Research Center and the disaster that is located in the Ulee Lheue a center of learning and the tsunami disaster in Aceh. In fact, this Research Center will be connected directly to the Tsunami Center in Hawaii and Japan. Hopefully, with this Tsunami Research Center, especially the people of Aceh and Indonesia can respond to disasters and have an adequate knowledge of the tsunami.
"We thank the Government of Aceh to the location of the museum is set up. This museum is very good.Museum Tsunami this will be the landmark for Aceh to commemorate the disaster and the tsunami, "said Kuntoro

From left to right: Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Irwandi Yusuf, Pierre Philippe Head of Operations European Commission, and Andrew Steer, World Bank Country Director, Indonesia
"Of course, the assets in the The transfer has been through the verification process between the parties. Indeed, many have not yet submitted this day, but today is a milestone that most assets, namely Aceh Tsunami Museum, " said Irwandi Yusuf relegation this is a series of assets from the handover of assets to the government district that was in The first transfer. .
Irwandi Yusuf hope, through the Tsunami Museum in Aceh this Government can establish cooperation with various parties, including overseas, to maximize this museum. "
How incompetent is if the building is not used. In addition, we expect the BRR, if there are assets that need to be less than perfect,”
Since a few days ago inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono Aceh Tsunami Museum is in the way of T. Iskandar Muda many people visited Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Seen a few visitors are resting after viewing the museum facilities.
Museum tsunami omen of this lighthouse stands as in Banda Aceh with the form of a ship that consists of 4 levels and decorated decoration pattern Islam.
Describe the roof waves are exhibited in the first floor traditional Acehnese house equipped with equipment to be able to survive the tsunami.

The visitors are also invited to run through a narrow and dark alley with two walls of water to the atmosphere of panic when the tsunami came.
Articles and images from various sources
Aceh Tsunami Museum is a museum to remember the tsunami back pristiwa overwrite Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam on 26 December 2008 the victim ingest approximately 240,000 people.

Aceh Tsunami Museum building was built on the initiative of several organizations that trap committee. Including Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias as the building budget, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DESDM) as the budget planning, study the content of the museum collection and provision of guidelines and management of the museum), the Government of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) as the provider and manager of the museum, the Municipality of Banda Aceh as a provider of facilities and infrastructure of the museum environment and Architects Association of Indonesia (IAI) NAD branch that help organize pre contest plan museums.
According to Eddy Purwanto as planner Museum of BRR Aceh Tsunami Aceh, the Museum was built with 3 reasons:
1. for remembering the victims of Tsunami disaster
2. As a center of education for young people about safety
3. As evacuation center, if the tsunami comes again
Museum planning detail, the tsunami monument and the site will start in August 2006 and development will be built over the land, approximately 10,000 square located in the capital city of Aceh province Nanggroes namely Kotamadaya Banda Aceh with the budget funds of US $ 14.000.000 ( kurs $ 1=Rp 10.000 ) with the details of US $ 7.000.000 from the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) for the building and half from the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for its content also contains many objects remaining residual tsunami.
Before the committee began holding competitions design museum with Thema "Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Tsunami Museum (NAD-TM)," race closed on 5 August 2007 Total prize ber US $ 27.500, with details of the winner I get US $ 10.000 to US $ 7.500 II , III to US $ 5.000 and the remaining US $ 5.000 will be distributed as awards to the participation of innovative design 5 @ US $ 1.000.

( From left to right: ADPirous, Kamal A. Arif Abdullah and Teuku Sanny)
As the quotation from my brother, Johny Hartanta Sembiring, who is a Member Team of the Information field after a meeting held in the House Prof.Drs. Abdul Djalil Pirous which is the Teacher of Visual Arts with ITB Dr.Ir. Kamal A. Arif, M. Eng, which is expert and History Museum and DR.Eng.Ir. Sanny Teuku Abdullah, who is a M. Sc Geology and seismic experts at the ITB region Bukit Dago East specialist, Bandung On Wednesday, 10 October 2007 at 16:00 WIB dimlai until night closed with a dinner together with the theme of Research Material Content / Materials Tsunami Museum in Aceh.
Aceh Tsunami Museum will be built in the city of Banda Aceh, about 1 km from the Great Mosque in Banda Aceh, The function of Aceh Tsunami Museum are:
1. As a historical object, where the museum will be a tsunami research centers and learning about the tsunami disaster.
2. As a symbol of the strength of the people of Aceh in the tsunami disaster.
3. As a legacy to future generations in Aceh in the form of messages that have occurred in the tsunami region.
4. To remind earthquake hazards and tsunami that threaten the region of Indonesia. This is because Indonesia is located in the "fire ring" Pacific volcanic belt, and the path that encircle the Pacific Basin. Region is a local ring of fire that often by the earthquake could trigger a tsunami.
Computer animation following the Tsunami Museum in Aceh which will be built with the concept and design Rumoh Aceh as escape hill masterpiece Muhammad Ridwan Kamil, which then become Aceh Tsunami Museum
Note: Copyright in the Muhammad Ridwan Kamil, Muhammad Akbar Yuliansyah, AA Putra Munchana, Asep Budiman
Exterior Design Museum

Building a traditional house of the people of Aceh, in the form of building houses in Aceh analogy taken as the basic building mass. With the concept of houses, buildings can also function as a garden escape a hill-shaped hill that can be used as one of the anticipated location of rescue in case of a flood and tsunami disaster in the future.

Then there is also the hill of light, in addition to the garden filled with hundreds of evacuation of the pillar, the visitors can put bouquet, a kind of personal space and also have space in the memorial hill underground exhibition space and equipped.

Design is also loaded with local content. Saman dance as a reflection Hablumminannas (the concept of inter-human relations in Islam) into the distillation system fasade building.

The exterior appearance of the extraordinary cultural diversity of Aceh through the decorative jewelry element of transparency elements outside the building skin.
Interior Design Museum

In the picture above to design a narrow alley and ghostly. Through the alley that we can see the waterfall on the left and right that give voice thundering water. Lane is to remind the visitors on the atmosphere of the tsunami, said Kamal A Arief.

The light of God, space a cylinder-shaped wells that shine a light over the hole arab any posts with "Allah" and the well wall of the cylinder filled with the name of the dead time tsunami.Very contain religious values is a reflection of Hablumminallah (the concept of human relationships and God).

In the urban context, the building is designed to function also as a garden city. Open land as a result of the building was designed to be able to balance the human scale and building.

Views interior of enchantment with a set of Sorrow tunnel that lead visitors to a formidable natural contemplation on the people of Aceh suffered at once submission and recognition on the strength and power of God in the things.
Rumoh Aceh as Escape Hill design M.Ridwan Kamil eventually won the contest design competition Aceh Tsunami Museum after the 68 designs that meet all the requirements that the committee has been set of a total of 153 works that go as I quoted from DetikNet dan Melayu Online. Announcement issued by the committee on Friday (17/08/2007) in the space of Sultan Selim II, Community Center Aceh, Banda Aceh. Winner of first prize entitled to reach US $ 10.000, of a total of US $ 27.500 prize.
"We choose Rumoh Aceh as escape hill the winner because he meets almost all criteria from the jury. Not only a building monuments, but also a museum of monumental tsunami. Ridwan In that illustrate the design of natural disaster in a building that the incident tsunami 26 December 2004 "said one jury Kamal A.Arief journalist after the announcement.
"Design is in the image of M Ridwan Kamil show on the first floor of the museum is open space such as a traditional home Aceh.Picture meant that the open space that can be used as public space and in case of flood or tsunami, the water rate that will not come ter hinder, "said Mirza Kumala.
Location Aceh Tsunami Museum located in the capital city of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam-Indonesia, namely in the cities of Banda Aceh,Sultan Iskandarmuda street corner near the clock, across the field Blang Padang.di where the former office next to the Animal Husbandry Aceh netherlands cemetery grave (Kerkhoff).

I take this picture of posted by relatives Iradis

I take this picture of posted by relatives Iradis

On 23 February 2008 the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visited Aceh to inaugurate Aceh Tsunami Museum Blang Padang field in Banda Aceh now and sign to inaugurate 12 development projects and rehabilitation and reconstruction of infrastructure in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), which has been completed done by the Agency for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) NAD-Nias, the Department of Public Works, Provincial Government of Aceh, Banda Aceh City Government and its partner institutions.
1. Park International inscription "Aceh Thanks the World"
2. Port of Ulee Lheue crossing
3. Politeknik Aceh
4. Dam Keuliling
5. Motor boats crossing (KMP) BRR
6. Krueng Keureuto bridge in North Aceh
7. Cunda bridge in Lhokseumawe
8. Provision of Water Supply System (SPAM) Aceh Tenggara
9. SPAM Aceh Selatan
10.Passengers Terminal "Type A" Banda Aceh
11. Station Perum Damri along with 28 bus Damri
12.National SAR Agency(Basarnas) office in Aceh.
The receipt of assets worth Rp 89 billion from the Head of BRR Aceh-Nias Kuntoro Mangkusubroto to the Governor of Aceh Irwandi Yusuf As Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Saturday (21 / 2) afternoon in the office of Governor of Aceh. Assets that it submitted a building and the Tsunami Research Center disaster worth US $ 1.100.000, "Aceh Tsunami Museum" (US $ 6.600.000), building batik (US $ 200.000), and the Center for Education and Training (US $ 900.000).
The receipt in the Head of the BRR, Tsunami Research Center and the disaster that is located in the Ulee Lheue a center of learning and the tsunami disaster in Aceh. In fact, this Research Center will be connected directly to the Tsunami Center in Hawaii and Japan. Hopefully, with this Tsunami Research Center, especially the people of Aceh and Indonesia can respond to disasters and have an adequate knowledge of the tsunami.
"We thank the Government of Aceh to the location of the museum is set up. This museum is very good.Museum Tsunami this will be the landmark for Aceh to commemorate the disaster and the tsunami, "said Kuntoro

From left to right: Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Irwandi Yusuf, Pierre Philippe Head of Operations European Commission, and Andrew Steer, World Bank Country Director, Indonesia
"Of course, the assets in the The transfer has been through the verification process between the parties. Indeed, many have not yet submitted this day, but today is a milestone that most assets, namely Aceh Tsunami Museum, " said Irwandi Yusuf relegation this is a series of assets from the handover of assets to the government district that was in The first transfer. .
Irwandi Yusuf hope, through the Tsunami Museum in Aceh this Government can establish cooperation with various parties, including overseas, to maximize this museum. "
How incompetent is if the building is not used. In addition, we expect the BRR, if there are assets that need to be less than perfect,”
Since a few days ago inaugurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono Aceh Tsunami Museum is in the way of T. Iskandar Muda many people visited Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. Seen a few visitors are resting after viewing the museum facilities.
Museum tsunami omen of this lighthouse stands as in Banda Aceh with the form of a ship that consists of 4 levels and decorated decoration pattern Islam.
Describe the roof waves are exhibited in the first floor traditional Acehnese house equipped with equipment to be able to survive the tsunami.

The visitors are also invited to run through a narrow and dark alley with two walls of water to the atmosphere of panic when the tsunami came.

Articles and images from various sources
Desain Museum adalah 666
wee ,, keren :)
tsunami at aceh no 24 desember 2008 but desember 2004
saya ingin Museum Tsunami ni indah seperti pemimpin NAD Gubernur.
bencana yang sangat mengerikan... :(
bencana terbesar.... yang menjadi kenangan bagi rakyat aceh dan dunia
Wah Keren Ya Meseum Tsunaminya, Kapan-kapan saya pergi ke banda aceh deh ??